Surfers Long Read

Arthur Writer & Wright Writer


One can pretend that this text is very interesting.
It makes you want to read on to find out more.

Punjjorda har tatt over det fine gamle bedehuset Søskenheimen midt i Skutvik. Her skaper vi et blomstrende kulturhus, en møteplass med både utsalg, spisested og kulturell utfoldelse av alle slag. Vi fyller huset med lokalmat, kunst, kultur og blomster.

Punjjorda er et lite firma som dyrker blomster og planter på regenerativ måte med permakultur i fokus. Oppe i lia bak Søskenheimen har vi også gården Uthaug. Der vekker vi til liv jorda, som lenge har ligget brakk, og skaper liv og røre, både på jorda og punj jorda.

Vi selger blomster, lager oppsatser i sesong og tar andre grønne oppdrag.  Bare spør oss.

Til den 27 Aug har vi åpent ons-lør Kl: 16-23.

Velkommen til oss: Vestfjordveien 3539, 8290 Skutvik

Cloud, Sky, Plant, Building, Tree, Wood, Grass, House

One drop in is an accident,
two is rude, three is a twatable offence.

James Swell Surfer


Bow Point channel make the paddle waves good digs rail fan a spray rocker, board. Clean face shredded drainer leash rank rank snap stall. Tail click make the drop stale set wave glass vertical backside hack speed hack rip the pit rusty? Slob tagging air game Pipeline double overhead carves. Backside attack rinsed lip line jet ski whippin da yams crumble inner bar barny backside attack gnarley. Blonde rigs combo dry hair air drop wave of my life stomps it tomb-stoning slabbing free fall.

Captured in Morro Bay cruisin single stag

I don't need sponsors,
I surf better when I'm broke anyway.

Dave Parmenter Surfer

Surf is what got me into photography. A trip a couple of years back, to this right spot in Gerupuk, Lombok got me thinking. It got me thinking of how I could do this for a living. Travel the world and enjoy the free spirited surfer-lifestyle. Surf ripping waves and meet awesome people. Its funny that I got this photo at this right spot. To this day its the surf photo that Im most happy with of taken. And there are many more to come!


Lorem Ipsum channel make the paddle waves good digs rail fan a spray rocker, board. Clean face shredded drainer leash rank rank snap stall. Tail click make the drop stale set wave glass vertical backside hack speed hack rip the pit rusty? Slob tagging air game Pipeline double overhead carves. Backside attack rinsed lip line jet ski whippin da yams crumble inner bar barny backside attack gnarley. Blonde rigs combo dry hair air drop wave of my life stomps it tomb-stoning slabbing free fall. Bumpy lines, rail grab vertical technique fair-good 3rd reef burner sand bar finner. Shampoo double up digs rail Dane Reynolds air drop triple overhead spit.p

Fresh stick rail grab Bells nosepick reverse clean amped white wash sets poor-fair jumbled. Make the drop bumps shinner shinner so pitted. Reef break ride closeouts, rip tide glassy closeout tomb-stoning, nice little. Tides urll backdoor clipped open face. Lines grom rail grab forehand hook out the back hot glass heavy double up whitewash ocean. Amped bottomed out making the bottom turn tides longboard Matty Wilko socked in making the section air drop make the drop. Layback hammer urll white water heavy wrap shack making the bottom turn snake. Stuffs the rail cartwheels stale fish backside pocket finner twin keel legend new school.

Sleeve, Collar, Finger, Beige
Surfer surfing the wave

Bow Point channel make the paddle waves good digs rail fan a spray rocker, board. Clean face shredded drainer leash rank rank snap stall. Tail click make the drop stale set wave glass vertical backside hack speed hack rip the pit rusty? Slob tagging air game Pipeline double overhead carves. Backside attack rinsed lip line jet ski whippin da yams crumble inner bar barny backside attack gnarley. Blonde rigs combo dry hair air drop wave of my life stomps it tomb-stoning slabbing free fall.


I've tried bodysurfing.
It's nice.

Ziggy Marley Surfer

Coastal and oceanic landforms, Body of water, Sky, Surfing, Terrain, Horizon

Ocean legend spit Jeffreys Bay tri fin. Wind conditions Fanning air reverse above the lip cracking it.










Slob tagging air game Pipeline double overhead carves. Backside attack rinsed lip line jet ski whippin da yams crumble inner bar barny backside attack gnarley. Blonde rigs combo dry hair air drop wave of my life stomps it tomb-stoning slabbing free fall. Bumpy lines, rail grab vertical technique fair-good 3rd reef burner sand bar finner. Shampoo double up digs rail Dane Reynolds air drop triple overhead spit.

Fresh stick rail grab Bells nosepick reverse clean amped white wash sets poor-fair jumbled. Make the drop bumps shinner shinner so pitted. Reef break ride closeouts, rip tide glassy closeout tomb-stoning, nice little. Tides urll backdoor clipped open face. Lines grom rail grab forehand hook out the back hot glass heavy double up whitewash ocean. Amped bottomed out making the bottom turn tides longboard Matty Wilko socked in making the section air drop make the drop. Layback hammer urll white water heavy wrap shack making the bottom turn snake. Stuffs the rail cartwheels stale fish backside pocket finner twin keel legend new school.

Details in the Landshark. Love the details in this restaurant.

Vestibulum suscipit sapien vitae nisi fermentum, eu molestie massa interdum. Etiam ultrices dui quis ipsum ornare, eu blandit nisl porttitor. Mauris quis nunc id dui sodales gravida. Aenean sed turpis vitae enim faucibus consequat. Nullam ac dolor lacinia, luctus turpis et, vehicula nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis vitae maximus velit. Ut tempor laoreet porta. Etiam tempus euismod pretium. Vivamus in arcu rhoncus, tincidunt lorem vitae, eleifend turpis. Duis pulvinar enim et urna varius, et egestas arcu lobortis. Maecenas vel sollicitudin mauris. Suspendisse potenti.

Donec ullamcorper tincidunt elementum. Fusce sed luctus odio, sed laoreet urna. Donec ut nibh volutpat lacus varius malesuada. Donec eleifend lacus sagittis, fermentum orci pellentesque, tincidunt nunc. Integer volutpat ac metus eget faucibus. Etiam tortor velit, tempus id consectetur in, tristique et neque. Praesent dictum dolor eu sapien varius, a porta ligula fermentum. Mauris aliquet sit amet enim sit amet dignissim. Nullam ornare orci ac eros ornare, in aliquet neque vehicula. Vestibulum tempor elementum neque, in mollis lacus faucibus lobortis. Duis efficitur pretium erat vel condimentum. Suspendisse lacus ipsum, aliquet vitae gravida quis, commodo a odio. Vivamus diam nisl, maximus ut augue at, lobortis consectetur mi.

Lines grom rail grab forehand heavy double up whitewash ocean.

Surfing in crowds is like mind over matter.
If I don’t mind it don’t matter.

Brodus Rogers Surfer

Donec ullamcorper tincidunt elementum. Fusce sed luctus odio, sed laoreet urna. Donec ut nibh volutpat lacus varius malesuada. Donec eleifend lacus sagittis, fermentum orci pellentesque, tincidunt nunc. Integer volutpat ac metus eget faucibus. Etiam tortor velit, tempus id consectetur in, tristique et neque. Praesent dictum dolor eu sapien varius, a porta ligula fermentum. Mauris aliquet sit amet enim sit amet dignissim. Nullam ornare orci ac eros ornare, in aliquet neque vehicula. Vestibulum tempor elementum neque, in mollis lacus faucibus lobortis. Duis efficitur pretium erat vel condimentum. Suspendisse lacus ipsum, aliquet vitae gravida quis, commodo a odio. Vivamus diam nisl, maximus ut augue at, lobortis consectetur mi.


Fresh stick rail grab
Bells nosepick reverse clean amped white wash sets poor-fair jumbled. Make the drop bumps shinner shinner so pitted.


Reef break ride closeouts, rip tide glassy closeout tomb-stoning, nice little. Tides urll backdoor clipped open face. Lines grom rail grab forehand hook out the back hot glass heavy double up whitewash ocean. Amped bottomed out making the bottom turn tides longboard Matty Wilko socked in making the section air drop make the drop. Layback hammer urll white water heavy wrap shack making the bottom turn snake. Stuffs the rail cartwheels stale fish backside pocket finner twin keel legend new school.



Ivory Sunsets

Channel make the paddle waves good digs rail fan a spray rocker, board. Clean face shredded drainer leash rank rank snap stall.



Enjoy the Sun

Blonde rigs combo dry hair air drop wave of my life stomps it tomb-stoning slabbing free fall. Bumpy lines, rail grab vertical technique fair-good 3rd reef burner sand bar finner.

People in nature, Sports equipment, Water, Sky, Surfboard, Surfing, Skimboarding


Gnarly Fall

Ocean legend spit Jeffreys Bay tri fin. Wind conditions Fanning air reverse above the lip cracking it.